UE 5.3
*Demo projects coming soon. All plugins compatible with StrikerLink 0.8.0 and up, as well as Mavrik Pro firmware 1.1
Blaster assets for Unreal Engine: Mavrik - Classic, Mavrik - Ballzooka, Mavrik - Crossbeaux
StrikerVR Subsystem
StrikerVRSubsystem is a game-instance subsystem. Add GetStrikerVRSubsystem node. This should be the target of any SendHapticLibrary functions.
UE 4.27 example use of StrikerVRSubsystem with SendHapticLibrary. Courtesy of Vantan Game Academy, Osaka, Japan.
UE 5.3 Example use of StrikerVRSubsystem with SendHapticLibrary as seen in the UE 5.3 sample project.
Play Haptic
UE 4.27 example use of StrikerDevice with PlayHaptic. Courtesy of Vantan Game Academy, Osaka, Japan.
UE 5.3 example use of StrikerDevice with PlayHaptic.
UE 5.3 Example use of Input Actions with StrikerDevice and SendHapticLibrary as seen in the UE 5.3 sample project.
This image is from UE 5.3 but is no different in UE4.27. Device Index should always be set to zero unless you have a specific multi-device need like a multiplayer screen-shooter.