Unreal Engine SDK



UE 4.27

UE 5.1

UE 5.3

*Demo projects coming soon. All plugins compatible with StrikerLink 0.8.0 and up, as well as Mavrik Pro firmware 1.1


Blaster assets for Unreal Engine: Mavrik - Classic, Mavrik - Ballzooka, Mavrik - Crossbeaux



StrikerVR Subsystem 

StrikerVRSubsystem is a game-instance subsystem. Add GetStrikerVRSubsystem node. This should be the target of any SendHapticLibrary functions.

UE5.3_StrikerVRSubsystemUE 4.27 example use of StrikerVRSubsystem with SendHapticLibrary. Courtesy of Vantan Game Academy, Osaka, Japan.

UE4.27_StrikerVRSubsystemUE 5.3 Example use of StrikerVRSubsystem with SendHapticLibrary as seen in the UE 5.3 sample project.

Play Haptic

UE4.27_StrikerDeviceUE 4.27 example use of StrikerDevice with PlayHaptic. Courtesy of Vantan Game Academy, Osaka, Japan.                          

UE5.3_PlayHapticUE 5.3 example use of StrikerDevice with PlayHaptic.

UE5.3_PlayHaptic_largeUE 5.3 Example use of Input Actions with StrikerDevice and SendHapticLibrary as seen in the UE 5.3 sample project.                                                                 


UE 5.3 StrikerDevice_details

This image is from UE 5.3 but is no different in UE4.27. Device Index should always be set to zero unless you have a specific multi-device need like a multiplayer screen-shooter. 



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